Hi! Welcome to Traesure Apple Ranch’s tiny little corner of the internet.
Nope, that’s not a typo in the spelling of our name. Hop on over to the Our Story page to find out more about why we “misspelled” that word in our name and to read about how this family business came to be.
We are a family owned and operated apple orchard nestled right between Chambersburg and Waynesboro along route 997.
When the opportunity to own and operate an apple orchard fell into our laps, we were nervous and unsure, to say the least. But as we prayed about it and talked about it, it became clear to us all that this is what we are meant to be doing and we couldn’t be more excited about it.
As a family, our plans are to bring new life to the apple orchard that is currently there, restoring it to it’s beauty and potential, as well as implementing many new ideas. We have big plans for the future and we’re so excited you have taken the time to check us out and follow along as we take the first steps into this adventure!

Currently, Fresh Cider and Eggs are available in our Market.

Visit The Cider Shack for Unique Ice Cream Treats.