When we first started talking about the orchard and if it was even feasible, we knew that for the first several months (at the very least), we would still keep our day jobs and work at the orchard as needed in the evenings or on the weekends. Eventually, it is the plan that the orchard will be everyone’s full time job, but was not practical for right away. Here’s a little bit about each of us and what we do when we aren’t at the orchard.

Kenny & Jane – The dreamers behind this whole adventure (well…more Kenny than Jane) and the ones who started it all. Kenny, part owner of Oyler Electric, Inc, which he operates with his brothers, is now also busy keeping track of all things orchard and apples. It has always been a dream of his to own a ranch. I think he meant something like a large horse ranch in Colorado, but beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to dream fulfillment! Jane stays busy doing the bookwork for Oyler Electric and now also the bookwork for the ranch, but also always has time to be a super fun Nanner’s to her 8 grandchildren.

Milo & Carrie – Married for 8 years, they are the owners of The Crossed Connection Laser Co., a business they started in 2017, long before the orchard was even a blip on the horizon. They have 4 children, Graham, Damaris, Sterling, and Cecelia. Milo stays busy between working for himself at the laser shop, helping Dad at Oyler Electric, and anything that needs done at the orchard. Carrie, as well as being a full time wife/mom, has taken well to apple ranching life and can be found trimming trees, researching sweet corn and pumpkins, or anything else that needs done!

Aaron & Kala – Married for 11 years, they have 4 children also – Sophia, Cooper, Shepherd, and Canyon. They lived in Indiana for the first 7 1/2 years of their marriage and left part of their hearts in the Midwest. Aaron recently left his job in the solar field and is currently doing a bit of anything and everything, with the intent of working for Oyler Electric for the summer, as long as there isn’t work at the orchard to be doing . Aaron can be found doing whatever needs done for upkeep at the orchard. Kala’s main job right now is full time stay at home wife/mom, but is also the one designing and keeping up the website. In her extra time (hahaha), she sells Color Street nail strips and is pretty excited that they are able to hold up to the ranch life!

Lowell & Kaci – They’ve been married for almost 7 years. Lowell is a dairy farm equipment service technician for Fisher and Thompson, and can be found at the orchard whenever there is work to be done. Kaci is a customer service representative at Tom James Company. She is the one always taking pictures and so was the perfect person to manage the ranch’s social media accounts! I can also guarantee she’ll be one of the ones you’ll see when you visit our market!

Sterling, Damaris, Graham, Sophia, Cecelia, Shepherd, Cooper, & Canyon
For some of us, these 8 kids right here were a big motivator for the orchard purchase when we were in the beginning stages of considering and dreaming. A family business that they can grow into and that is weaved throughout the aspects of their every day life is a blessing beyond what we could have hoped for for their future! They’re all most excited about the UTV’s that they plan to ride all summer and eagerly awaiting the day we all live at the orchard and they can be neighbors!

John “Jack” Henning – Orchard Manager

Jack isn’t a part of the Oyler family but he has been grafted into the Traesure Apple Ranch family now. Jack has been at this orchard for 35 years and is the real reason that we have even the tiniest idea what we are doing. Jack plans to stay with us at the ranch for 10 or so more years, at which point we will (hopefully) be much more prepared to manage things on our own. Without Jack in our corner, we would truly be lost!